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Reduce 30 and 90 day readmissions by 30% More than 9,000 readmissions prevented and more than 86 million dollars saved Improving safety through patient and family engagementSupporting care transition efforts through resource sharing
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ARC Interview: Julie Morath
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Readmissions Talk
California Readmission Summit: Keeping the Pulse on Readmissions
Four hundred participants shared the day on Friday, February 13, 2015 with the Avoid Readmissions through Collaboration (ARC) team, the Health Services Advisory Group of California, and other planning partners to continue learning and sharing their work in care transitions.  The theme for the day: Keeping the Pulse on Reducing Readmissions, was celebrated throughout the keynotes and breakout sessions. Participants left with new ideas about how they can augment their current efforts to make even more impact.

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Bay Area Community Resource Guide
ARC's Patient Advisory Council is thrilled to provide this Bay Area Community Resource Guide to support the efforts of hospitals with linking patients to appropriate resources after they leave the hospital. The group has worked hard on collecting the resources for 6 counties (Marin, San Francisco, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Mateo, and Santa Clara). We hope this guide will be helpful for your hospital and your patients. Click on the link below to access the online version. You may also purchase additional copies by contacting Lisa Ehle at [email protected].

Bay Area Resource Guidebook
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Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation